The KEEA Municipal Assembly has today held its first meeting in the year 2022. This meeting helps the hon. assembly members to take developmental decision for the municipality.
The presiding member hon. john aspect ackon welcomed the hon assembly members from various electoral areas before starting the business for the day. In his welcome speech he thanked the hon members for their support to the growth of the municipality and urged them to do more for the betterment of keea.
The municipal chief executive hon. lawyer solomon ebo appiah presented his sessional address to the house to brief them on the development of the municipality after the last meeting in december 2021. The sessional address comprises of detailed reports from all activities and project which were undertaken by the municipal assembly through various department in the municipality. The MCE after his sessional addressed thanked the hon assembly members for the dedicated work they keep on doing to help in the development of the municipality.
The regional public utilities regulatory commission (PURC) were summoned to the house to brief honorable members of the general house on their activities in the municipality which they did to the understanding of everyone.